Best Quality Liqueur from Zürich
Orsini Ingwerlikör – direkt aus Zürich.
It shines like the sun and embraces the spicy-sweet
taste of ginger. It’s refreshing, but also spends warmth,
which is perfect for heating up a snowy winter night.
Get your bottle of Orsini Ginger Liqueur today:
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We’re the Orsini Team
In the big student house at Meierhofplatz in Höngg we’ve been crafting Ginger Liqueur since a couple years now. This year, however, we decided we will upgrade our hobby to a small business and bring what we love to the world: A Ginger Liqueur that unfolds its full potential.

Our Goal: The Perfect Liqueur
First, it must shine brightly yellow. Then, it should refresh you and warm you up at the same time. Obviously, the certain spiceyness can’t be missing and it can’t lack the sweet side either. But above all, it needs to embrace the taste of ginger in its full form!
Mit Orsini haben wir diese hohen Ansprüche endlich erfüllt. Orsini ist bereit für die Welt. Finde heraus, welche Drinks du mit Orsini mixen kannst: Recipes
Stop spending too much!
But don’t get us wrong here! We’re not just about creating the best liqueur. We feel that a beverage also needs to be affordable. Who will drink it otherwise?
You want to be able to shot it, mix it, heat it and sip it without counting the Francs, right? Right! We’re aiming to bring you this golden gold at a reasonable, affordable price to make sure the bottle won’t stand on the shelve forever and start collecting dust. Orsini wants to be drunk!

Delivery in all of Switzerland
Orsini is now available in several bars and shops in Zürich, Bern and Montreux. Find out where you can get it: Bars and Shops
We deliver all orders through Planzer. Packages are delivered fast and reliably and are transported as eco-friendly as possible (by train). Also, Orsini is now available at Intercomestible (beverage reseller in Zürich) and we're proud partners with YourBarMate (Digital solution for gastronomics).